Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pointe them out!

So I was browsing through YouTube, you know looking up some dance routines because to get better I have to be up on the latest stuff... you know, like music for one.... and I found these vids. Umm Spikey Lee, I LOVE! I watched a couple of his vids, and I like this one alot because although it's not hip hop or rap he's still dancing to it and there's something so wrong and off about the dancing, and like unreal, that it's really amazing!

The next one is 2 girls dancing an Evan Anderson routine and I have to say I really haven't heard of him, but once I saw the vid I wanted to see more. There's the necessary sass and the necessary quirkiness that peaks my interest!

The last one is Tristan K choreography and I got on it purely because it was When I Grow Up and I've been kind of choreographing a dance in my head, and I want to do certain things with my choreography but... I was wary about those things. Well this choreograhy incorporates some of those things, and has that over the top sass! I love that part, they all have the attitude, and even the grey sweat shirt girl is killing it. The guy does mess up but you probably won't catch it, I just have quick eyes. He does dance well, but he doesn't do it up like the girl with the black shirt and pants. So... enjoy